In 1939, two big events took place: World War II began and Dr. Richard van der Riet Woolley was appointed Director of the Commonwealth Solar Observatory.
Observatory work only continued if it supported the war effort.
In 1940, the Optical Munitions Panel was established – this set the observatory on the path to becoming a specialist optical munitions factory.
During this time, the workforce at Mount Stromlo grew from 10 to 60, and the workshop expanded.
Richard v. d. R. Woolley with instrument by E. Cranstone, 26 February 1941. Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial
Woolley recognised that the specialist skills required to manufacture optical munitions was not going to be found in Australia. He had heard of the transportation of 'alien enemies' from Britain to Australia onboard the vessel, 'Dunera'. In all five men were placed in Woolley's care on Mount Stromlo (and not allowed to leave the ACT under any circumstances). They brought with them essential skills and technical know-how to produce the instruments needed. The men were:
Jack Crisp grinds optical flat by E. Cranstone, 26 February 1941. Courtesy of the Australian War Memorial
Together, the team designed new optical munitions pieces and set themselves up for a future in precision optics.