Milk remains one of the most popular drinks in the capital, with almost 40 million litres consumed in the city each year.
Image courtesy of Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash.
The demand for ‘skinny’ and ‘low fat’ milk varieties of the 1980s has waned more recently as milk has been reaffirmed as a healthy food source for both adults and children. Canberra’s on-going love affair with coffee – particularly the quintessential Aussie ‘flat white’, coupled with the popularity of flavoured milks, has further increased consumption. The rise of ‘alternative’ milks such as soy, almond, oat and rice has also been welcomed by those who either can’t consume dairy products or choose not to.
‘Canberra Milk’ varieties available in the capital. Image courtesy of CCFA.
Milk continues to be processed in Canberra at the original plant in Griffith which has been modernised to keep up with current health, safety and efficiency standards.
While the old dairies no longer exist here, their legacy – that of great tasting milk and local connections to people and place – remain.
For a timeline of Canberra Milk, click here